Ticks are feared by many individuals, although they may not know much about them. Understanding these pests can help you defend yourself from potentially dangerous tick attacks. Continue reading to find out more about ticks and how to protect yourself.
What is a Tick, Exactly?
The family of creatures known as arachnids includes ticks. Like spiders and mites, they have four pairs of legs but no antennae. Even though hundreds of distinct tick species exist in the country, just a small number are hazardous. These are the most prevalent tick species, in order:
- Tick with a black leg (deer tick): This tick has a length of around 1/8″ and is either orange or brown in appearance. The legs of deer ticks are either dark brown or black. The length of these ticks exceeds their width.
- American Dog Tick: This species has grey or white patterns on a brown background. They can easily navigate through dense fur or hair thanks to the shape of their spiky legs.
- Brown Dog Tick: The color of this kind of tick ranges from reddish brown to bluish blue. These ticks range in size from 1/8″ to 1/2″. On their backs, males exhibit little dented marks.
Get in touch with a tick elimination pest control in Meridian if you spot any of these pests in your home.
Do Ticks Bite?
Ticks feed on a variety of mammal hosts, and individual tick species have different host preferences. Ticks cling firmly to their hosts throughout feeding, which takes several days. After spending time in wooded regions, many individuals discover engorged ticks on their dog or cat. To prevent tick bites, it’s critical to take precautions because certain ticks feed on humans.
Risky infections are carried by and spread by ticks. The only kind of tick that can transmit and carry the potentially fatal Lyme disease, which can have lifelong effects if contracted, is the deer tick. Anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are a few more illnesses brought on by ticks. Some people may experience allergic reactions as a result of tick bites.
Tick bites usually do not cause any symptoms for most people. To be cautious, it is advised that a medical practitioner check the bite for any anomalies. A bull’s eye pattern surrounding the tick bite is a clear symptom of Lyme disease. When going on hikes or traveling through wooded areas, one effective tick avoidance approach is to wear clothes that completely cover your arms and legs.